Jimmy Bonds Podcast

“Jimmy Bonds Podcast” was created to open dialogue, provoke thought and challenge social and artistic norms. Through our topic discussions or our inspiring interviews we strive to give our listeners a different perspective on issues facing our diverse community. Broadcasted through Illadelphia Radio, JBP looks to provide a platform that puts a light on problems that hinder the advancement of those in underserved communities. JBP prioritizes a duty to inform and entertain our audience, even when the topic may be uncomfortable to discuss. Our interviews provide an in-depth perspective from artists and professionals that add real experiences to the topics we cover. We plan to be part of the solution and opening dialogue is always a great place to start. Be sure to listen to the latest Jimmy Bonds Podcast episode on Illadelphia Radio weekdays @8AM. Stay Up Don’t Sleep On Your Dreams!!

Monday Feb 26, 2024
JB Podcast - A Candid Chat with John White Jr.
Monday Feb 26, 2024
Monday Feb 26, 2024
Welcome to an enlightening new episode of the Jimmy Bonds Podcast! In this special installment, we delve into our recently launched campaign named 'Broken,' designed to highlight and tackle the mental health concerns of Black men. Our illustrious guest for the episode is the revered Mr. John White Jr., the President and CEO of The Consortium, a tireless advocate of community mental health, and a seasoned politician.
With experiences from his diverse career, Mr. White unwraps his personal mental health journey and pledges his commitment to stimulate positive changes in the mental health landscape in Philadelphia. He earmarks several game-changing moments in his life that buttressed his resolve to serve the general public, underlining the significance of accessing help during mental health crises.
Renowned as a prominent figure in public housing, Mr. White shares his firsthand experiences in creating opportunities for people to improve their lives, thus manifesting his passion for advocacy. He underscores the essential role of mental health, advocating for transparency about mental health struggles, and accessibility to help.
In this sincere dialogue, Mr. White imbues listeners with the importance and impact of stepping up and becoming a change agent. Embarking on this captivating journey, listeners witness the transformation of a former Wall Street banker to a revered public housing servant. The narrative provides a profound understanding of how effective exercise of power can bring about systemic changes and uplift communities.
The podcast concludes with an intimate conversation with Brother John White, Jr., emphasizing the celebration of small victories and the critical role of authenticity. Discover the influence of day-to-day wins on mental health and self-perception in this heartening dialogue. Ideal for listeners seeking a blend of societal issues, personal growth, mental health, and inspiration. Join us for these insightful discussions, advocating for authenticity and celebrating small victories.
Check out Jimmy Bonds Podcast airing Mon thru Fri @ 8AM EST on Illadelphia Radio.Com and on WPEB Radio 88.1FM 95.1FM West Philly Wednesday's @ 8pm!! illadelphiaradio.com

Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
JB Podcast - Everybody Got A Podcast Ft Terrance Henry
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Happy New Year!! What's Good Family!! Check out Jimmy Bonds Podcast airing Mon thru Fri @8AM EST on Illadelphia Radio and Live on WPEB Radio 88.1FM Wednesday @8pm!! illadelphiaradio.com
Episode #76!! On this episode we are by Terrance Henry of the Terrance Henry Experience Podcast!!
During our conversation we examine the growth of the podcast industry and the impact podcast have made within the media field.
We also dive into the various number of podcast genres and focus on how podcasting is the new medium to connect with the listeners on a personal level
And Much More.....
So tune in family and let's #openthedialogue on Everybody Got A Podcast!!
#jimmybondspodcast #illadelphiaradio#everybodygotapodcast #newepisode #episode76 #wpeb #scribevideocenter #881FM #951FM #westphiladelphia #westphilly #westphillypodcast #phillypodcast #socialimpact #stayup #dontsleeponyourdreams

Friday Jan 05, 2024
JB Podcast - Ft. Verbosity
Friday Jan 05, 2024
Friday Jan 05, 2024
Happy New Year!! What's Good Family!! Check out Jimmy Bonds Podcast airing Mon thru Fri @8AM EST on Illadelphia Radio and Live on WPEB Radio 88.1FM West Philadelphia Wednesday @8pm!!
Episode #75!! To kick the year off we have a fantastic interview with the gifted and brilliant group Verbosity.
We dive into the creation of their latest project Over Thinking and examine what the project means to them.
We dig into the impact of voting on the younger generation and how certain social issues affect them as young black women.
We also cover the experience of being artists from Philly and what their reception is in other parts of the country.
And Much More.....
So tune in family and let's #openthedialogue with Verbosity!!
#jimmybondspodcast #illadelphiaradio #interview #verbosity #overthinking #bars #talented #emcees #group #newepisode #episode75 #wpeb #scribevideocenter #881FM #951FM #westphiladelphia #westphilly #phillyartist #independentartists #phillypodcast #voting #socialimpact #ifyoucanmakeitinphilly #hiphop #randb #stayup #dontsleeponyourdreams
Verbosity Links
Jimmy Bonds Link

Thursday Dec 07, 2023
JB Podcast - Adults That Live With Their Parents Ft. Bethann V. & Michael T.
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
What's Good Family!! Check out Jimmy Bonds Podcast airing Mon thru Fri at 8AM EST on Illadelphia Radio!! Listen to us live every Wednesday at 8pm on WPEB Radio 88.1FM!! illadelphiaradio.com
In this episode we have a conversation with Bethann Vogt and Michael Torres about Living At Home As An Adult.
During our discussion we covered the challenges of living at home while dating and the stigmas that often come with living with your parents as an adult
We covered the different circumstances of why some adults live with their parents and how it can be beneficial to the family unit.
In addition Bethann and Michael share their personal experience of living at home.
And Much More!!!!
So tune in family and let's continue to #openthedialogue!!
#jimmybondspodcast #newepisode #illadelphiaradio #indiestation #indienation #interview #881fm #951fm #wpeb #westphilly #adultsthatlivewiththeirparents #breakingthestigma #dating #challenges #familyunit # #bethannvogt #michaeltorres #stayup #dontsleeponyourdreams
You can also listen to the podcast Live every Wed at 8pm on WPEB Radio 88.1FM West Philadelphia. https://scribe.org/wpeb-881-fm

Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
What's Good Family!! Check out Jimmy Bonds Podcast airing Mon thru Fri @8AM EST on Illadelphia Radio!! illadelphiaradio.com
Welcome Back to Another Episode!!
On this 3 part episode we are joined by Ruth Jean Charles!!
Ruth Jean Charles was born in Haiti and immigrated to the US at age 10. She was able to provide us with her first hand perspective of the state of immigrations in America, the importance of obtaining the right to vote and her family's journey adapting to life in the a new country.
During our conversation Ruth shares her experience of migrating to the US and the challenges she went through to become a naturalized US citizen.
She also discusses the first time she got to vote as a US citizen and the stigmas that come along with being a immigrate in certain communities.
In addition Ruth shares how her father was the first family member to come to the US and how he was able to sponsor 6 other members of her family.
And Much More!!!!
So tune in family and let's #openthedialogue with Ruth Jean Charles!!
#jimmybondspodcast #newepisode #illadelphiaradio #indiestation #indienation #interview #ruthjeancharles #haitian #Haiti #immigration #voting #vote #naturalization #elections #family #uscitizens #permanentresident #theborder #881fm #951fm #wpeb #westphilly #westphillyvoices #everyvoice #everyvote #voteineveryelection
#stayup #dontsleeponyourdreams
You can also listen to the podcast Live every Wed at 8pm on WPEB Radio 88.1FM West Philadelphia

Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
What's Good Family!! Check out Jimmy Bonds Podcast airing Mon thru Fri @8AM EST on Illadelphia Radio!! illadelphiaradio.com
Welcome Back to Another Episode!!
On this episode we are joined by Anette Nance - Executive Director of the African American Affairs Commission - Office of Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro
During our discussion Anette and the team discuss the value of voting and the importance of government engagement before and after the voting process.
Anette also shares her journey in the military, her background in social work and organizing, as well as she dives into the many resources and information provided by the African American Affairs Commission.
And Much More!!!!
So tune in family and let's #openthedialogue with the Anette Nance - Executive Director of the African American Affairs Commission - Office of Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro!!
#jimmybondspodcast #newepisode #illadelphiaradio #interview #anettenance #executive #director #africanamerican #affairs #commission #pagov #88.1FM #wpeb #westphilly #westphillyvoices #everyvoice #everyvote #voting #leadership #voteineveryelection #governmentengagement #voterturnout #resources
#stayup #dontsleeponyourdreams
You can also listen to the podcast Live every Wed at 8pm on WPEB Radio 88.1FM
Anette Nance Links
Instagram: @paafamcom

Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
What's Good Family!! Check out Jimmy Bonds Podcast airing Mon thru Fri @8AM EST on Illadelphia Radio!! illadelphiaradio.com
On this episode we are joined by the CEO of New Pennsylvania Project Kadida Kenner as we have a discussion on expanding the electorate and the impact voting has on Democracy & Social Justice
During our conversation Kadida shares what propelled her to start a non profit focused on voting and what she has learned about the tendency of the electorate.
We covered why expanding the electorate is a vital aspect to progressive change as well as why voting in every election is important and the need for voters to focus on local and city elections in addition to national election.
And Much More!!!!
So tune in family and let's #openthedialogue with the CEO of New Pennsylvania Project Kadida Kenner!!
#jimmybondspodcast #newepisode #illadelphiaradio #interview #kadidakenner #newpennsylvaniaproject #88.1FM #wpeb #westphilly #westphillyvoices #everyvoice #everyvote #voting #leadership #voteineveryelection #expandtheelectorate #voterturnout #youthvote #youngvoters #stayup #donsleeponyourdreams
Kadida Kenner

Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
What's Good Family!! Check out Jimmy Bonds Podcast airing Mon thru Fri @8AM EST on Illadelphia Radio!! illadelphiaradio.com
On this episode we are joined by Madam Vice President Liana Roadcloud of Yeadon PA Borough Council for a Perspective conversation about voting and leadership.
During our discussion VP Roadcloud shares some of the challenges she faces a leader focused on progress and the future.
We examine why the status quo does not help our community and the impact of low voter turnout
In addition we dive into the strength of the youth vote and why many politicians don't view the younger voter as a priority
And Much More!!!!
So tune in family and let's #openthedialogue with Madam Vice President Liana Roadcloud
#jimmybondspodcast #newepisode #illadelphiaradio #interview #lianaroadcloud #88.1FM #wpeb #westphilly #westphillyvoices #everyvoice #everyvote #yeadon #yeadonborough #voting #leadership #challenges #voterturnout #youthvote #youngvoters #stayup #donsleeponyourdreams

Monday Oct 09, 2023
Monday Oct 09, 2023
What's Good Family!! Check out Jimmy Bonds Podcast airing Mon thru Fri @8AM EST on Illadelphia Radio!! illadelphiaradio.com
On this episode we are joined by Bishop Elect Aaron Smallwood to have a Informed discussion on the intuitional influence The Church has had on voting.
We examine the impact the Church has on voter engagement in different parts of the country and the political ramifications in "Blue" and "Red" states
In addition we challenge the idea of a 2 party political electorate
And Much More!!!!
So tune in family and let's #openthedialogue with Bishop Elect Aaron Smallwood on Voting & The Church
#jimmybondspodcast #newepisode #illadelphiaradio #stayup #dontsleeponyourdreams #bishop #aaronsmallwood #voting #the church #everyvoice #everyvote #wpebradio #881FM #westphillyvoicesproject #westphiladelphiavoicesproject #wpv #evev
Aaron Smallwood Links

Monday Oct 02, 2023
JB Podcast - Interview With TEF XL
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Monday Oct 02, 2023
What's Good Family!! Check out Jimmy Bonds Podcast airing Mon thru Fri @8AM EST on Illadelphia Radio!! illadelphiaradio.com
On this episode we have a Exceptional interview with Jacksonville's Bi-Costal artist Tef XL
During our conversation we go over his critically acclaimed project Code Switch.
He shares his experience growing up in the streets and how he's changed his life and is now an executive of a Fortune 500 company.
In addition TEF XL takes on the journey of what it took to create Code Switch and the artist he got to work with along the way including Fat Joe
And Much More!!!!
So tune in family and let's #openthedialogue with TEF XL!!
#jimmybondspodcast #newepisode #illadelphiaradio #interview #tefxl #codeswitch #westphilly #jacksonville #stayup #donsleeponyourdreams
TEF XL Links
IG: @tefxl